estate planning (7)

estate planning

Heggstad Petition - How to Avoid Probate

If you don't transfer your assets to your living trust, but you have a writing expressing your intent to do so, then your successor trustee can file...

estate planning

Should You Use a Professional Trustee?

Using a Professional Trustee or Fiduciary is a good choice if you don't have family members or friends who can be your successor Trustee

estate planning

California Asset Protection Trust

A Revocable Living Trust will help you avoid probate, but adding asset protection trust provisions will significantly protect your children's...

estate planning

California Probate

California probate is complicated, time consuming and very expensive. A typical California probate could take 18 months and cost over $30,000 -...

estate planning

How to Create Your California Estate Plan

You have many options on how to set up your estate plan - DIY estate planning websites, traditional law firm or work with an attorney virtually

estate planning

How To Choose An Estate Planning Attorney

An estate planning attorney will create a plan that eliminates stress and serves your needs. This guide will help you choose an estate planning...